In The Media


Annette is  regular guest on l BBC Radio.

August 2011 Annette is  a guest on the Reverend Alison Levesleys Soul coach radio show in Manchester.

July 2011. Annette is Interviewed on MBS Lifestyles TV about her novel The interview will be on Sky TV. 

Annette is a frequent guest on BBC radio Tees with her comments on the hot topics of the day. 

 in January; Annette was intervied by BBC Radio York on how to get the best from your Day and advised us on her top tips for "Time Management"

BBC Radio Tees in February interview Annette on her opinions of rehabilitating those who have been incacerated.


Latest Articles in the Press:

Annette Greenwood is an author, life coach and mentor, with over 15 years experience.

Annette has currently been working on a problem page for a brand new magazine called Rouge.

She has also written an article for the high profile magazine 'Manager'  The article aimed at senior managers in the voluntary sector, covers tips to include motivationg and getting the best from your staff and volunters in a recession. 

Annette has recently helped to secure £25,000 worth of funding for a local charity. The befriending project relieves social isolation for elderly and vulnerable people living in rural areas.The new funding, from Lloyds TSB will help to run the project for the next three years.Alongside this Annette has helped to set up a project aimed at women who may need mentor support.

 Annette is coaching and mentoring new and young mothers as part of a new project for a local college. She is working with the 16 to 19 year olds to help them gain a parenting skills qualification. Annette is also working with a group of ex-offenders within the community to help improve their job prospects by developing their own work skills. 


Annette is one of North Yorkshire’s most experienced specialist life coaches, having undertaken more than 15 years of ongoing training including 11 years with Dr Clive Sherlock in Awareness Practice. She is down to earth and committed to helping others change their lives for the better.

In addition, Annette has extensive experience of working with different groups of people, ranging from those with learning disabilities, the elderly and ex-offenders to wealthy businessmen and women. 

Annette is a Certified New Insights Coach and has an NCFE Certificate in Life Coaching. She has also undertaken PTLLS training which is an educational qualification. NCFE Certificate in Counselling Skills and and helps people deal with issues such as self-esteem, relationships, career and finance issues, retirement and confidence, as well as other life areas.

Annette is also a well-respected published author on various life issues as a regular contributor to various magazines. Her first book is due to be published.

Speaking about her new projects, Annette said: “It’s a common misconception that life coaching is only used by the well off or large businesses. This really isn’t the case. A lot of my work is now within the local community helping vulnerable people improve their personal well-being or job prospects.

“It’s such a rewarding aspect of my business as I get to work with an incredibly varied mix of people. I think my rare combination of personal and professional experience and the qualifications I have worked hard to achieve over the years are helping me to grow my company and hopefully help some of those in North Yorkshire who really do need it the most.”




Releasing The Imprisoned Heart


Taken from one of the world's leading Mind, Body & Spirit publications - Kindred Spirit Magazine, this was Annette's first public interview and gives a real insight into how and why she came to do her life changing work... "Fifteen years ago Annette Greenwood's life was turned upside down when she was made redundant. Now a coach and mentor, she talks to Kate Osborne about embracing her 'shadow' and how this led to a new role answering the cries for help from others for whom the state of being imprisoned is all too real. KO: So there you were with your 20 years of working life shoved into a bin-liner and a meagre redundancy cheque in hand, did you then ride off into the sunset? AG: Oh no! I became depressed, sat around in my dressing gown all day, and sought solace in daytime TV. I soon realised this was a downward spiral. Feeling worthless, useless, not needed any more and I thought it must have been my fault - after all, what good was I now to anyone? My self-esteem hit rock bottom and there were times I believed the world would be better off without me. But what I really wanted was to change my life..."

When Compassion is the Key

Published in The Northern Echo newspaper Annette's hands on coaching and mentoring work attracted special attention and praise. "As part of a pilot scheme, female inmates a an open prison are receving life coaching. Women's Editor Sarah Foster finds out what the project involves and if it's really making a difference...The prison building stands majestic, its grand facade evoking affluence now long gone, in a small village outside York. You'd never think it was a prison - there's no barbed wire, no stern faced officers stand guard - though there's a gate through which admission must be granted. This charming place is an open prison for women offenders, and it's the setting for an interesting project. Behind the house, in plainer setting, sit prison inmates in a prefab. They're all being helped in the new scheme involving life coach Annette Greenwood. She says it aims to smooth their way to independence..."


Emotional Investment

Published again in Kindred Spirit Magazine, this article askes how we define, 'faith', 'hope' and 'love' and how in the face of adversity we hold onto each one of these attributes with trust... "To some. faith may mean that we will simply wake up in the morning after a night's sleep, to others something deeper. Having faith in life is a scary thought: we are asked to blindly trust in the Universe, God, life whatever it means to you. How do we go about such a challenge? Many years ago when I first entered into this spirirtual practice I was on one occasion told: 'You stood on the edge of a cliff, now all you have to do is fall off.' What! You mean let go of my safety net and trust! Not sure how I was going to do this, I asked the inevitable question - how?..."

Second Chance?

Is forgiveness the responsibility of society as a whole, or are we individually responsible for forgiving others? Taken by, More To Life Magazine, this article really covers two tales of personal ups and downs, showing why it is so important that in this 'one' life we give and are given a second chance... "Mounting clinical evidence supports what many ancient cultures have long believed, that holding on to negative emotions such as anger, profoundly affects our health. By mentally living in the past we are not free to experience the present, the mind manifests negative thought patterns that drag us down psychologically, and by continually going over such negative events we stay trapped. We suffer from anxiety, depression, and other related disorders which physically manifest in the body for all to see like, ulcers, high blood pressure and often other ailments that perhaps doctors have no explanation for. Spiritually we are in crisis, we are out of touch with our inner selves, feeling lost and disconnected. Inner peace is replaced by inner chaos..."

Celebrating the Change and Releasing a New You

"What it is about the menopause that has us running in the opposite direction trying to grab for our youth? You would have thought my house was under attack when I first started to experience it for myself many years ago. I was fearful of the symptoms it brought with it; I was in the throes of finding myself spiritually also, and this brought confusion and uncertainly as to what was happening. I repeatedly fought against it, leaving myself in a constant state of anxiety, feeling tired and emotionally out of balance. Why do we resist an inevitable part of life, a transition into another phase? How many other women where there who were experiencing the same difficulties as me and what were they doing about it? I would walk around the house filled with dread I was afraid, “but of what” I would cry out loud. Being alone in the house only made things worse, I felt trapped in a cycle I couldn’t get out of.....''









Annette Greenwood

To make an appointment or for an initial discussion contact Annette on:
Mobile: 07743 986840